Thursday, December 18, 2008

Isabel's New Look!

Isabel showing Cleo her missing tooth after I pulled it out. I told her I should pull it out because she could swallow it while sleeping or loose it in her food at school. She quickly agreed after I told her that.She was so tired but thrilled to have the new look. We put the tooth in a bag ready for the tooth fairy to come and put it under her pillow. She fell asleep so fast last night!Breakfast with her new dollar and a package of socks?...what? Isabel refuses to sleep under her covers because it will mess up her bed so maybe the tooth fairy noticed her feet were cold. WEAR THEM ISABEL! And of course...fairy dust is now sprinkled all over Isabel, her bed, down the hall, and by the front door. It will disappear in a few days:) That's what the kids always say. They try to save it and it never works! mmmmmm....Magic!
Doesn't Cleo look adorable? It was so cold this morning and her little face looked like a doll with that cap on. I kept kissing those sweet cheeks :)


homegirl said...

Congratulations Isabel! You look so grown up now that your missing a tooth!

Cherylyn said...

Gavyn recently lost that same tooth! He had had a root canal on it a few years ago and it had turned yellow, so we were glad to see it go. It came out at school and he brought it home. He set it on the messy kitchen table just before I cleaned the table and didn't know it was there. So now the tooth is gone and we still need to write a note to the tooth fairy for him. Congrats Isabel! And I agree, Cleo's cheeks look very kissable.

The Eccles said...

That is SO she will be singin' with the Chipmunks "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"
I love the fairy dust...if I had girls I would do that...maybe with Paige!