Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cute pictures of Cleo!

Chad told me how cute Cleo was while swinging. I couldn't help but take a picture because she was looking at one of the girls princess books. It was so cute ... she looked like she was reading it.
This is the first time I put Cleo in the jumper (a.k.a. Johnny Jump-Up). She loved it! It was fun to watch her bounce and spin...although I think they make better ones these days. Who knows if this thing has been recalled or if this one is the last one being used. My friend Jaci gave it to me when Katie was a baby and her daughter was four years old at the time. I just don't leave Cleo unattended because who knows! I might just be paranoid about it:)


Kate said...

She does look like she's reading. So cute. Yeah, those Jonny Jump ups are cool but scary to me too! I freaked out when my Mother in Law put my baby in her old school one. I too was wondering if hers had been recalled...ten years ago! LOL

homegirl said...

Cutie pie!

The Eccles said...

What a cutie! I love the pics of her in the jumper...her little jeans, and big eyes!