Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

All the kids had a really fun time at the pumpkin patch. It's so nice to see how close they are. They truly are good friends and love to be with each other. One day they will realize how lucky they are to have family so close. We love these family outings!After I took this picture I realized Isabel wasn't in it. I thought I counted right but only two of those children are mine.Right after I took the picture we saw her behind us by the fence. That is totally Isabel. She would rather be by herself doing her own thing.Poor Chad. He is still trying to catch up on sleep. You can totally see it in this picture. Since last Tuesday he has be at court in the day and working a grave yard shift at night. It's been great overtime but he has hardly slept this last week.Me and my baby. How sweet!Lily was a little under the weather. She woke up with not much of a voice and a cough that didn't sound too good. She was feeling a little better by the time we went. I guess this has been going around. Isabel missed a day of school about a week ago because of it.My very cute nieces Carrie and Taylor!
All six of us. I'm glad Chad was able to come. The girls and I have really missed him. Although he was on his laptop to and from the patch. Ahhh! Darn Reports!Katie picked a perfect pumpkin. Way to go Katie! Before we left I made them sit for one last picture. I know, sometimes I overdue it. They are just too darn cute ;)


Piano Mom said...

Where is this pumpkin patch? We have been searching for one and have not found any. Poor Chad - he doesn't look so good. I hope he gets some sleep soon.

Amy said...

Jackie, you have a darling family! I'm so glad I found your blog... via blog stalking, of course! Send me your email and I'll get you an invite to my blog. (
Amy (Harrison) Hanks

Amelia said...

Aw, how cute. I can't believe how old your kids are and how long their hair is! That picture of Isabel is amazing!!

Kate said...

Jackie- I'm glad you found me! I have wondered about you so many times. I am glad you are doing well. You and Chad have such a beautiful family and you look the same- still beautiful Jackie. My email is


Katie said...

okay...I am actually a bit weirded out. How did you find my blog?! I don't understand how this thingy works yet. Well glad you visited...maybe next time their will be something on it!

Cherylyn said...

You all look fabulous! I must say, though, that Jaime looks fantastic! I love her blond hair. It's been so long since I've seen any of you guys, I miss you!