Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cleo Clapping her Hands! Yay!

Last week Cleo started to clap her hands and since I'm her mother I think it's adorable. I was finally able to get her to clap with the video camera on but then she decided the curtains were way more interesting. She also clicks her tongue but I doubt I can record that but I love a challenge. She also loves to wave goodbye to herself and put her hands on her head...funny little thing. At the end of this video, Kona decides to visit and stretch/yawn right in front of me. It was kinda funny but he startled Cleo and made her cry :(

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Hi Jackie! I need to order some more Mary Kay from you! Can you email me with your email address so I can send you an order? THank you! wendybird75@aol.com