Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chad Out-Singing the B-day Song!

This was a crazy day but one that will be remembered. Chad loved surprising Isabel and singing to her (it's an experience)! He didn't know I had the camera on video mode, he thought I was just taking pictures. Ha Ha...got ya this time Chad. Katie was nice to video Isabel opening presents and then the rain came down and Oh my HAIL! Yep, I said it HAIL! Lily started crying because of the thunder and kids were screaming. Jeff helped me move Kona into my bedroom and dry him off and then we found his son Anthony on the lawn enjoying the hail! Sorry Jeff :) Oh...and I forgot to mention how rough boys are. We had to break up two, YES two full on fist fights! Good thing Chad was still there! I had back up ;)

1 comment:

The Bey Family said...

That was a memorable day that's for sure. It wouldn't be a birthday without Chad singing loudly for all to hear:) It was fun...Jackie, are we going to remember that 3 hours is 1 hour too long for 20 7 yr olds? Love you, Jaime